Little Arrow


Living with Black Bears!


Living with Black Bears!

7.13.23 | Camping 101

Coexisting and Preserving their Habitat in the Great Smoky Mountains

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to share your backyard with some of nature’s most intriguing creatures? Well, here in the Great Smoky Mountains, we have the privilege of living alongside black bears, those furry residents who add a touch of wild charm to our daily lives. In this blog, we’ll dive into coexisting with these incredible animals while preserving their natural habitat. So, grab your binoculars, and let’s explore the fascinating world of living with black bears!


Getting to Know Our Furry Neighbors

First things first, let’s meet our famous neighbors—the black bears. These magnificent creatures are an iconic symbol of the Great Smoky Mountains, and understanding their behavior is essential for harmonious coexistence. Let’s dive into the captivating details that make black bears so mesmerizing. By gaining a deeper understanding of these magnificent beings, we can better protect and respect them as we share this remarkable habitat together. 


Bear-proofing 101: Keeping Bears Wild and Humans Safe

Living alongside black bears comes with a responsibility to protect their habitat and keep ourselves safe. Here are some bear-proofing tips to ensure our furry friends stay wild and curious while minimizing any potential conflicts.

  • Secure Your Trash: Invest in bear-proof trash cans or use bear-resistant containers to prevent bears from accessing potential food sources. Properly seal bags and ensure garbage is stored in a secure location until collection day. This minimizes the temptation for bears to scavenge in residential areas.
  • Store Food Properly: When camping or spending time outdoors, store your food in bear-resistant containers or hang it from a tree using bear bags. Avoid leaving any food or scented items unattended, as bears have an excellent sense of smell and can be attracted to the scent.
  • Keep Outdoor Spaces Clean: Regularly clean and maintain outdoor areas, including picnic areas, campgrounds, and hiking trails. Remove any food scraps, wrappers, or other enticing smells that could attract bears. This promotes a clean and safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
  • Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with bear behavior and learn how to interpret their signs. Knowing the difference between defensive and predatory behavior can help you respond appropriately in bear encounters. Did you know? Bears are not territorial creatures! While they may protect their food or mate when present, they don’t patrol or defend a specific area from other bears. Instead, they have a certain personal space they respect. It’s fascinating to learn that multiple bears often share overlapping living spaces, called “home ranges,” which provide them with food, water, and ample cover.
  • Spread Awareness: Share bear-proofing tips and educate others about the importance of coexisting with bears in a responsible manner. Encourage friends, family, and community members to adopt bear-safe practices. By raising awareness, we can create a culture that prioritizes bear conservation and human safety.


Trails and Tales: Hiking in Bear Country

Exploring the breathtaking trails of the Great Smoky Mountains is an adventure, but it’s essential to be bear-aware while trekking through their territory. Some essential tips for hiking in bear country… Make noise to alert bears of your presence, carry bear spray as a precautionary measure, and respect the boundaries of these majestic creatures.


Encounters of the Bear Kind, What to Do

If you’re fortunate enough to encounter a black bear during your outdoor adventures, it’s crucial to know how to react. Here’s some do’s and don’ts of bear encounters…

  • Maintain Distance: When encountering a black bear, it’s important to keep a respectful distance. Avoid approaching or attempting to get closer to the bear. Maintain a safe distance of at least 100 yards or more, allowing the bear to feel comfortable and reducing the chances of triggering defensive behavior.
  • Stay Calm and Avoid Eye Contact: In the presence of a black bear, remain calm and composed. Make yourself appear non-threatening by standing tall and avoiding direct eye contact. Speak in a calm and assertive voice to let the bear know you are there. Sudden movements or loud noises may startle the bear, so try to stay as calm and quiet as possible.
  • Slowly Back Away: If the bear becomes aware of your presence or starts approaching you, slowly back away while facing the bear. Do not turn your back on the bear or run, as this may trigger a chase response. Maintain eye contact and move away gradually, giving the bear ample space to retreat or continue with its activities undisturbed.


Remember, our goal is to respect the bear’s natural behaviors and ensure both our safety and the bear’s well-being. By following these do’s and don’ts, we can peacefully coexist with these incredible animals while preserving their natural habitat.


Protecting Their Home

Ensuring the long-term survival of black bears relies on safeguarding their natural habitat. By actively supporting local conservation initiatives and embracing the principles of Leave No Trace, we can play a crucial role in making a positive impact on bear habitat preservation.


Living with black bears in the Great Smoky Mountains is a privilege that brings us closer to the wonders of nature. By coexisting with these creatures and preserving their habitat, we can ensure that generations to come will also have the opportunity to witness their beauty. So, let’s embrace our furry neighbors, stay bear-aware, and work together to create a harmonious environment where both humans and bears can thrive. Together, we can make a difference in preserving this incredible ecosystem we call home, Little Arrow Outdoor Resort!




118 stables drive townsend, tennessee 1+ 865.448.6363

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